Route Template Properties

This page lists information about any route template listed on your Route Templates page. This list includes all route templates that you own, the Enterprise-level templates for your company, and Workspace-level templates for workspaces that you belong to. For Company Representatives, the list includes all templates created by employees of your company

To access this page:

  1. List the route templates available. See Route Templates Page.
  2. From the Route Templates page, click the Name of the template you want to view.

This topic defines these items:


Field Name Description
Name The name assigned by the person who saved the template.
Revision The revision number for the template. Each time a template is updated and saved, the system increments the revision number.
State Whether the template is in an Active or Inactive state. Templates in the Inactive state cannot be used to create routes.
Owner The person responsible for the template.
Originator The person who saved the template version.
Availability Defines who can use the template to create routes. User means the template owner is the only person who can use the template. Enterprise means the template is available to everyone.
Scope Defines who can be included in routes created from this template: All, Organization, or members of the specified workspace.
Originated The date the template or template revision was created.
Description A summary of the purpose of the template.
Route Task Edits Defines how people who create routes based on the template can edit the task list. The options range from the most restrictive at the top to the least restrictive. The editing restrictions are related to adding and removing tasks, changing the task order, and changing the task name only. The route owner can edit all other fields, such as task assignee, instructions, and due dates, no matter what the Route Task Edit option is.
  • Maintain Exact Task List. People who create a route from this template must use the exact task list, with no tasks added or removed. The route creator cannot make any changes to the task order or names, but all other fields can be changed.
  • Extend Task List. People who create a route from this template must use the exact task list, but more tasks can be added to an existing route task order or a new order number. The route creator cannot make any changes to the order or names of tasks from the route template, but can change all other fields. The route owner can make any changes to tasks the owner adds to the route.
  • Modify Task List. People who create a route from this template can change all information for template tasks except the task name. The route creator can add new tasks but cannot delete template tasks.
  • Modify/Delete Task List. People who create a route from this template can change and delete any task and can add new tasks.
Route Base Purpose Determines which task actions are included in the route template.
  • Standard. Can have several task actions.
  • Approval. All task actions are set to Approve.
  • Review. All task actions are set to Comment.
Auto Stop on Rejection Determines what happens when a task in the route is rejected:
  • Immediate. The route stops immediately.
  • Deferred. The route stops after other tasks at the current level are completed or rejected.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties. Editing Details for a Route Template
Activate/Deactivate Changes the state of the route template (toggles between the active and inactive states). This is visible only if you have promote/demote access for the template. --


Category Description For details, see:


Lists the route members saved with the template, if any.

Access Page for a Route


Lists the tasks in the template and lets the owner edit the task definitions (must create a new revision to make changes).

Tasks Page for a Route


Shows a log of events that have occurred for the route template.

History Category


Shows the current state of the route template and allows you to promote and demote it.

Viewing an Object's Lifecycle


Lists the previous revisions of the template and lets you view history for all revisions.
