Workflow Properties Page

This page provides details about a workflow.

To access this page:

  1. View the list of workflows. See Workflows Page.
  2. Click the Name of the workflow. The Graphic Business Process diagram opens.
  3. From the page toolbar, click Categories > Properties.

This topic defines these items:


In addition to the basic details about the workflow, the Properties page lists all attributes included in the process definition. The following are the basic details included on the page:

Field Name Description
Name The name assigned by the workflow creator.
Type The object type. This should always be Workflow, unless your company has defined subtypes.
Description The purpose or intent of the workflow.
State Not Started, Started, Stopped, or Finished. If you created a workflow but did not start it, you can edit it as needed and start it when ready. Workflows that you create but do not start have a state of Not Started. Once started, the workflow state is Started. Only the workflow owner can start the workflow
Owner The person who created or currently owns the workflow.
Originated Date The date when the workflow was created.
Modified Date The date when the workflow owner most recently made changes on the workflow Edit Details page.
Due Date The date specified by the owner when all workflow tasks should be completed.
Process The process created in Business Modeler that the workflow is based on.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions. The available actions depend on the lifecycle state of the workflow.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties. Only the owner of the workflow can edit workflow details. Editing Workflow Details
Stop Stops a workflow in the Started state. When you stop a workflow, the option changes to Start. You can then restart the workflow from the beginning. If the workflow is stopped, connected tasks are not deleted. When the workflow is subsequently restarted, then the connected tasks including completed tasks are deleted. --
Start Starts a workflow that has been stopped. When you start a workflow, the option changes to Stop. --
Suspend Suspends a started workflow. All connected active tasks are suspended, which means that task owners cannot check in deliverables or promote their tasks. When you suspend a workflow, the option changes to Resume. --
Resume Resumes a suspended workflow. All connected suspended tasks are resumed. When you resume a workflow, the option changes to Suspend. --

Categories Menu

Category Description For details, see:


Shows the workflow Properties page.

Workflow Properties Page


Shows objects related to the workflow.

Workflow Content Page


Lists the active or completed tasks in the workflow.

Workflow Tasks Page


Lists the documents that have been checked in to the workflow.

Workflow Deliverables Page


Shows a log of events that have occurred for the workflow.

History Category