Viewing Implementation Review Details

The Properties page shows the details for the Implementation Review .

Before you begin: View the Implementation Reviews category for the needed Defect Action. See Managing Implementation Reviews.
  1. Click the Name of the Implementation Review.

    Implementation Review Properties

    This page lists these details:

    Name. The name of the Implementation Review (matches the name of the Defect Action).

    Files Modified. The list of files that were modified to implement the fix for this Defect Action.

    Lifecycle. The lifecycle for the Implementation Review, with the current state highlighted in yellow.

    Subscribers. The list of people who should be notified about this Implementation Review.

    Reviewers. The list of people who need to review the Defect Action's fix.

    Summary. A detailed explanation of what people need to review.

  2. Use the page Actions menu or toolbar to work with the Implementation Review:

  3. Use the Categories menu to view additional information about the Implementation Review. See Categories Menus.