Categories Menus

Each object includes a Categories menu that provides additional details about that object.

Categories for a Defect

This table lists the categorie for a Defect.

Category Description For more details, see:
Defect Actions Lists the Defect Actions associated with the Defect. Managing Defect Actions
Discussions Shows discussions about the Defect. Discussions Page
Duplicate Defects Lists the Defects defined as duplicate of the current Defect. Managing Defects
Related Defects Lists Defects that are related to the current Defect. Managing Defects
Issues Addressed Lists Issues that this Defect Addresses Managing Issues Addressed
Also Reported Against Lists the objects, such as Products, Builds, Feature, Requirements, or other objects that the Defect is reported against in addition to the one the Defect was originally reported against. Listing the Items a Defect is Reported Against
Reference Documents Lists documents that contain additional information relevant to the Defect. Documents and Content
History Shows a log of all the actions that have occurred for the part. History Category
Change Board Lists the people who belong to the Change Board (the group responsible for assigning priorities and assignees for Defects and Defect Actions). Managing the Change Board for a Defect
Environment Lists the Environment Characteristic Values for the environment where the Defect was found. Viewing Environment Details

Categories for a Defect Action

This table lists the categories for a Defect Action.

Category Description For more details, see:
History Shows a log of events that have occurred for the Defect Action. History Category
Reference Documents Lists the documents checked into the Defect Action. Documents and Content
Discussions Shows the discussions related to the Implementation Review. Discussions Page
Dependent Defect Actions Lists Defect Actions that this one depends on, or that depend on this one. Managing Defect Actions
Deferrals Lists Defect Actions added as candidates for a Model (for future work). Managing Deferred Defect Actions
Affected Items Lists products that are affected by this Defect Action. Managing Affected Items for Defect Actions
Implementation Reviews Lists the Implementation Reviews for this Defect Action. Managing Implementation Reviews

Categories for an Implementation Review

This table lists the categories for an Implementation Review.

Category Description For more details, see:
History Shows a log of events that have occurred for the Implementation Review. History Category
Lifecycle Shows the states for the Implementation Review, including its current state. Viewing an Object's Lifecycle
Discussions Shows the discussions related to the Implementation Review. Discussions Page