URL Parameters Accepted by emxIndentedTable.jsp

This table lists the parameters that you can use with emxIndentedTable.jsp. You can add these parameters to the href parameter for the component that calls the structure browser. They provide the main configurability control to the structure browser component.

URL Parameter Description Possible / Default Values


The name of the table that defines columns that you want to include in the structure browser being defined.



Specifies the URL string to be submitted when a user clicks the Apply button after making changes to the structure browser in edit mode.

This parameter can also specify custom apply functionality as described in Customizing the Apply Action.

buffer This parameter overrides the emxFramework.FrezePane.Buffer=true system property defined in emxSystem.properties. The default for this URL property is true: the structure browser starts to cache the data for all rows as the structure browser opens.

If you change the value to false, the structure browser does not automatically buffer when the page initially loads. It does, however, buffer the data when the user selects the vertical scroll bar.

For large structures, buffer=true can take more time to fetch and render the complete structure. The percentage of buffering displays next to the object count during the buffering process.

true (default)



Determines whether the filter tool displays in the toolbar, and overrides the Auto Filter setting on a table or structure browser column.

true (default)--The Filter tool displays in the page toolbar.

false--The Filer tool does not display in the page toolbar.


Controls the display of the toolbar button. When true, this icon only displays on the toolbar if the structure browser contains at least one column defined as numeric.

true--Sigma icon shows if the structure browser contains at least 1 numeric column

false (default)--Sigma icon does not show on the toolbar.


Used only when the structure browser is in a pop-up window and in View mode. It is ignored for all other conditions.

Shows a Cancel button in the footer that closes the pop-up window without any other actions.

Can be a text string or a string resource id.




The JPO:method used for operations such as resequence, Copy, Paste, and Cut & Paste to make the needed connection between child and parent objects. This parameter is only used to implement custom logic.




Enables (true) or disables (false) the ability for users to create customized versions of the page. This parameter overrides the emxFramework.UITable.Customization system property, and has no effect on other table or structure browser pages.

If not provided, the value specified for emxFramework.UITable.Customization is used. All access controls defined for the system table are retained in the customized table.

If a column does not have a label or alt value defined (and is not a file, checkbox, icon, image, or separator), the column name shows in the user's selection list, however, this name cannot be internationalized.




Direction use for expanding the object. When one or more relationship names are passed in, the object is expanded for the given relationship(s) using the specified direction.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.



both (default)


Used to turn ON or OFF the direction filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the direction filter is hidden. The parameter must be passed explicitly as true to show the filter.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.


false (default)


Specify whether the view table should display the Mode button toggle button. When true, the Mode menu and disabled Edit menu (AEFSBEditActions) is included in the toolbar.


false (default)


Defines a comma-separated list of relationships that can be used in conjunction with the cut and paste edit commands. The user can only cut or paste rows that are connected to the parent object using one of the defined relationships.

relationship_AffectedItems, relationship_EBOM

editRootNode Defines if the root node can be selected. The default is true; if you want to prevent users from selecting the root node, pass this parameter set to false. true (default)


emxExpandFilter When the structure browser page opens, the value for this parameter determines how many levels to automatically expand the structure. 1




Enable or disable the Expand filter for the structure browser page. This parameter overrides the expandLevelFilterMenu URL parameter.

true (default



Specify the menu used to show the Expand level filter.

Administrative menu name

AEFFreezePaneExpandLevelFilter (default)


Used to pass the name of the program to use for expanding the object. This parameter value should be assigned to the JPO name and the method name separated by a colon.

The program can use the hadChildren=true/false parameter. When false, the node shows expanded (- symbol) so the user knows that node has no children. If this parameter is not used, then the user needs to click the + symbol to determine if a node has children or not.

<JPO Name:method Name> emxPart:getEBOM emxDocument:getFolders


Can be assigned to an administrative menu or a command name, which contains the definitions of the JPO, method name and label.

When command is passed in:

Command settings program and function are used for getting the JPO name and method name for expanding the objects.

The List Filter is not shown because there is only one JPO available to expand.

When Menu is passed in:

Commands connected to this menu are used for listing the options in the List Filter combo box. The system obtains the label for each item from the command's label.

The program and function settings on individual commands are used as the JPO method for expanding the objects, upon selecting the options from the List Filter.

By default, the first command in the list is used for expanding the objects.

The commands connected to the menu honor all the access settings supported by the configurable component (such as Access Mask, Access Expression, and Access Program).

Administrative menu name Administrative command name

For example:

ENCBOMLists (menu) PMCFolderLists(menu) ENCBOMList (command)


(view mode only)

Shows or hides the Export tool on the page toolbar. When users click the tool, the system exports the table data to a file in the user's preferred format in their preferred format: CSV, HTML, or Text. Users choose their preferred format using the Preferences tool in the global toolbar. For information on configuring the export preference, see About Preferences. For instructions on using the preference page, click Help from the preference page.

If the user chooses CSV or Text for their export format, the export does not include Icon column type and programHTMLOutput columns.

To get the column values exported when the column type is "programHTMLOutput," set "Export= true" for the column.

true (Default)--The Export tool displays, allowing users to export the table data.

false--The tool does not display.


When true, show the mxLink icon/command button on the toolbar, which opens a search dialog box.

true (default)



Used to configure which column(s) should display as the freeze pane column in the structure browser. If this parameter is not passed in, the first column in the table is used as Freeze Pane column. A comma-separated list can be provided, and the columns are displayed in the order listed. If all of the table columns are passed, the last column listed for this parameter displays in the scroll pane.

Column name in the table

Name Title Name,Title,Description


The content of the heading that appears at the top of the table page.

Any alphanumeric text or a string resource ID.

header=Buyer Desk



Specifies the name of the help marker to call for context-sensitive help.


The naming convention for help markers "emxhelp" followed by the object or feature and then the action, for example, emxhelproutecreate and emxhelpprojectedit. The marker is all lowercase with no spaces.


Shows or hides the check box for the root node when the structure browser is configured for a single root node and the selection URL parameter is set to multiple (ignored if selection is set to single or none or the structure browser includes multiple root nodes).


false (default)


Used when there is no program parameter passed in to emxIndentedTable.jsp.

Specifies the inquiry administrative object to retrieve the business objects to include in the table and any inquiries for the table page filter list. The emxIndentedTable.jsp uses the first inquiry object to display the list in the table on page load. It uses all inquiry objects for the table filter list in the header.

emxIndentedTable.jsp does not support multiple inquiries. If multiple inquiries are passed with the ',' separator, only the first one is used. It ignores the rest.

If there is only one inquiry, the filter list in the header is not displayed. To build the filter list, you must use either JPOs or Inquiry objects. You cannot use both.

Names of inquiry administrative objects separated by commas. Only one inquiry is allowed.


inquiry=ENCAllParts, ENCReleasedParts

inquiryLabel Available for view mode only.

Used with the inquiry parameter. Specifies the labels for each inquiry in the filter list in the table page header.

Each label is associated to the corresponding inquiry administrative object name specified in the inquiry parameter. The label may have the actual text or the string resource id for internationalization.

insertNewRow Adds to the toolbar in edit mode.

When passed, the page adds these commands to the toolbar:

  • Create New
  • Create new after
  • Create new before
  • Remove inserted row(s)




Allows session data to be passed to a JPO and uses the format:


where scope can be one of these values:


and the attribute must be a valid attribute used within the specified scope. The parameter can pass a comma-separated list of scope:attributeName values. The attribute values must be serializable.



The JPO name and method name to execute the lookup function for a row added to the structure browser (using +). The JPO is invoked when the user clicks Lookup Entry.

When passed, the page adds these commands to the toolbar:

  • Add existing
  • Add existing after
  • Add existing before
  • Remove inserted row(s)



Overrides the system property emxFramework.Lifecycle.MassPromoteDemote.Enable for the specific page. The default value for this parameter is the value for the above property. The page must also include the State and Type columns. See emxSystem.properties for details on setting property values that control the mass promote/demote feature.




(edit mode only)

Use to turn on or off mass update controls on the editable table page.

true (default)--Mass update is available for the page.

false--Mass update not is available for the page.


Indicates what mode to display the structure browser. This parameter is optional.


view (default)


Enables or disables multiple column sorting on a page. If disabled, the user can still sort by a single column if one is specified in the sortColumnName parameter.

When set to false, multiple column sorting is also disabled in any custom tables users' create based on this system table.

true (default)



Required parameter for this component. It represents the object ID of the root object in the structure.

For multiple root nodes, the program parameter is used instead, however, if the program is not available, this id is used to get the root object details.

<OID for the root object in the structure>

onReset The name of a JavaScript function that is invoked when a user clicks the Reset button on an editable Structure Browser page.The function must be included in the file defined in emxSystem.properties:eServiceSuiteAPPLICATIONNAME.UIFreezePane.ValidationFile = VALIDATIONFILENAME (either .js or .jsp)

For example:

eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.UIFreezePane.ValidationFile = emxEngineeringCentralFormValidation.jsp


(view mode only)

Specifies whether the table page should include the Printer Friendly tool.

You can have the system pass this parameter automatically by entering the Printer Friendly setting for the command object that calls the table page.

true (default)



Specifies the JPO and method to generate the list of objects. When this parameter is passed, the objectId URL parameter is ignored. The JPO returns one or more objects.

<JPO name:Method name>


programLabel Available for view mode of the structure browser only.

When the program parameter is used, this parameter defines the labels for each program in the filter list in the table page header.

You can assign one or more labels (equal to the number of program values) separated by a comma ",".

Each label is associated to the corresponding JPO object and method name specified in the program parameter.

The label can contain the actual text or the string resource id for internationalization.

programLabel =All,Assigned

programLabel = emxEngineeringCentral.Common.All, emxEngineeringCentral.Common.Released


Relationship names to be used for expanding the root object to display the table structure view. The same relationships are used while expanding the structure by clicking on the plus on the nodes.

The relationship name passed in can be the symbolic name or the actual relationship name. Using the symbolic names is recommended.

A property setting can be used to pass the relationship names. The property must be assigned to one or more relationships to be used for expansion.

When one or more relationships are passed in, the program uses the list of passed-in relationship(s) only, to expand the object. If no relationship parameter is passed in, then it assumes all.

<all> (default) - The given object will be expanded to get all the connected objects, irrespective of what relationship is used, to be displayed as child/parent objects.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.

<relationship name> <list of comma separated relationship names> <property key assigned to one or more relationships>

For example:

relationship_EBOM, relationship_PartSpecification


all (default)


Used to turn ON or OFF the relationship filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the relationship filter is hidden. You must explicitly pass the parameter as true to show the filter.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.


false (default)


Used when the order of child objects is significant. Defines a comma-separated list of relationships that determine if a paste operation is a resequencing. Resequencing means that the child object was moved from one place in the list of child objects to another (under the same parent object).

relationship_AffectedItems, relationship_EBOM

rowGrouping When true, the is included on the toolbar, allowing the user to group rows by up to 3 columns. See Grouping Rows in Structured Data to see how an end user can use this feature.

true (default)


rowGroupingColumnNames When using row grouping, you can provide a comma-separated list of up to 3 column names so that when the page is opened, it automatically groups the page by the values in the specified columns.  


(view mode only)

Controls whether the table page adds a column of check boxes or radio buttons in the left-most column of the table. When set to single or none, the parameter objectCompare is false and the object compare icon does not display.

multiple--Users can select more than one row in the table. A check box displays in the left column of each row. There are no access restriction for the check boxes. If you pass this parameter, it overrides any check box column added to the table administrative object. For more information, see Column Values as Check Boxes.

single--Users can select one row in the table. A radio button displays in the left column of each row.

none--A selection column is not added to the table page. (A check box column can still be displayed by adding the column to the table administrative object.)


When set to true, shows the Apply button in Edit mode. When set to false, Edit mode does not have an Apply button.

true (default)



This menu is enabled by default and adds the to the page toolbar. The icon acts as a pull-down menu:

If the user clicks , selected objects are added to the clipboard collection for that user. If the user clicks the arrow, the user can select the New/Add to Collections or Add to Clipboard Collection command.

Set the value for this parameter to false to disable this feature.

For File Summary Pages for ENOVIA products, the default value for this parameter is false.

true (default)



When true, shows in the toolbar. This tool lets users copy the URL to the specific ENOVIA application page. When false, does not show in the toolbar.

The default value for this parameter is defined by the emxFramework.Toolbar.ShowPageURLIcon property in emxSystem.properties.




Enables or disables the right-click menus on the page. When set to false, all right-click menus for that page are disabled.

true (default)



Applies only in Portal mode (when the page is displayed within a PowerView), enables or disables the page header.

If false, the header text is not displayed in the PowerView tab.

If true, the header text shows in the tab.


false (default)


The column names to use for sorting the column data, or none if no initial sorting is required. When the node is expanded, the system uses the same parameter to sort the list and display the child objects. By default, the first columns in the table view (Freeze Pane column) are used to sort. The sorting is "alphanumeric" (sorttype=alpha).

Can be a comma-separated list of up to 3 column names. The page sorts by the first provided column, then by the second, then by the third.

Used as the default Sort by settings in the Customize Table View dialog box.

Columns defined with sortType=other setting cannot be used with multiColumnSort.

<name of the column>




Defines the sort order for the columns specified in the sortColumnName parameter. If a single value is passed, it applies to all columns, or you can pass a comma-separated list of values matching the number of columns in the sortColumnName parameter.

Used as the default sort directions in the Customize Table View dialog box.

ascending (default)




Creates a subHeader below the main header in the table header frame.

The value can be any static text or a string resource id. For example:

subHeader= emxEngineeringCentral.Common.BOMLevel

subHeader=Bill of Material Level 1

The value can also include macros such as $<type> $<revision>.


For View mode only, shows a Submit button in the footer. If this URL parameter is not passed and SubmitURL is passed, then the default "Submit" is used as the label.

Can be a text string or a string resource id.




The JSP called when a user clicks the Submit button in the structure browser footer.




Passes the table definition for displaying the structured view.

<table name> - system table

For example:




Can be assigned to an administrative menu or command name that contains the table name definition and label.

When you pass command:

Command setting table gets the table name for the table definition.

The Table Filter does not display (because there is only one table available to view).

When you pass menu:

The system uses commands connected to this menu for listing the options in the Table Filter combo box. The system obtains the label for each item from the command's label.

The system uses the table setting on individual commands as the table definition for displaying the view, upon selecting the options from the Table Filter.

By default, the system uses the first command for the table definition.

The commands connected to the menu honor all the access settings supported by the configurable component (such as Access Mask, Access Expression, and Access Program).

Administrative menu name Administrative command name

For example:

ENCBOMViews (menu) PMCFolderViews(menu) ENCBOMView (command)


(view mode only)

Specifies whether the table page should include the Tip Page tool and call a specific html or jsp when a user clicks the tool. If this setting is not included, the Tip tool is not included on the table page.

Name of a custom html or JSP page, including any path. The starting point for the directory reference is the content directory. For example, if you want to call an html file in ematrix/doc/customcentral and the content directory is ematrix/customcentral, you would add this parameter to the table.jsp:



A comma-separated list of UI menu names that add custom filters to the toolbar. Menus specified here are added as a new toolbar row beneath the Action toolbar.




Controls whether the table query is run within an Update transaction or Read transaction. Use Update transactions whenever the system need to update the database while fetching the object list.

read (default)--The table query is not run within an Update transaction.

update--The table query (inquiry or JPO) runs within an Update transaction.


Controls the Validate command on the toolbar. If true or empty, the command shows on the toolbar. If set to false, the trigger validation icon does not display on the toolbar.

true (default)



Used to pass the type name for filtering the expanded structure when the table displays and also when the structure expands.

The type name can be the symbolic name or the actual type name. Using the symbolic name is recommended.

You can use a property setting to pass the type names. The property must be assigned to one or more types for filtering.

If you pass one or more types, the program uses the list of passed-in types to filter the object list. If you pass no parameter, the system uses all.

all (default) - Displays all objects and performs no filtering.

This is an optional parameter.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.

<type name> <list of comma separated type names> <property key assigned to one or more types>

For example:



all (default)


Used to turn ON or OFF the type filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the type filter is hidden. You must explicitly pass the parameter as true to show the filter.

Not supported for non-object based structure browsers.


false (default)

view A comma-separated list of available views for the structured data. This parameter supports details and thumbnails views.

This URL parameter override the emxFramework.Freezepane.view property in emxSystem.properties.

