Settings for Table Column Objects

This table lists and describes the settings for table objects.

Note that the name and values are case sensitive.

Setting Description Accepted Values/Examples

Access Expression

Controls access to the table column based on a valid expression. The system evaluates the expression at runtime. If the expression evaluates to True and no other access control prevents access, the component is shown. Depending on the type of expression defined, the program may or may not need a valid objectID.

Make sure that an objectID is available before configuring this setting for configurable toolbar menus and commands.

  • $<attribute[attribute_Weight].value>?> 100
  • $<attribute[attribute_Originator].value >== owner

Access Function

The name of the JPO method to invoke in the JPO specified for the Access Program setting. The Access function gets the input parameter as a HashMap that contains all the request parameters passed into the JSP page. The JPO method must return a Boolean object. If the returned value is true and no other access control prevents access, the component displays. If false, it is hidden.

To see a sample JPO method to control access, see Sample JPO for Controlling Access.

Use this setting to evaluate access independent of users' roles.

The name of an access check method in the JPO specified in the Access Program setting, such as:


Access Mask

Specifies the accesses the user must have for the current business object for the column to display.

When you use the setting for commands in page toolbars, menus, trees, table columns, and form fields, the system evaluates the access mask on a specific business object. This business object is available only when the objectId is passed in as a URL parameter to the JSP.

If the user does not have all the specified accesses in the business object's policy for the current state, the system hides the component. If the user has the access and no other access control prevents access, the system displays the component.

You can specify multiple accesses by separating the accesses with a comma.

Any set of accesses, separated by a comma. For example:









Access Program

Controls access to the table column based on the output from a method in the specified JPO program. You must define the program in Business Modeler. This setting requires that you also specify the Access Function setting. If Access Function is not set, the system ignores the Access Program setting.

The following input values are required for the program:

  • A list of all of the request parameters in a HashMap
  • Method name as a string
  • JPO Program Name as a string
  • Context

The output must be a Boolean.

Name of a JPO defined as a program object, such as:


Additional Query When Type Ahead is configured on the column (by setting the RangeHref to emxFullSearch.jsp or using a predefined Type Ahead Chooser), this setting defines additional field/selection critiera used to restrict the selection list. See About Automatic Type Ahead. <FieldName1>=<select expression1>:<FieldName2>=<select expression2>:

Admin Type

Use to translate columns whose values are administrative types. Based on the administrative type, the value is translated and presented. For attributes, you must provide the symbolic name of the attribute, which starts with "attribute_" and is followed by the attribute name with no spaces.






Allow Manual Edit

When true, users can manually edit the table column. Applicable only when the range parameter is set to a URL or when the setting format is assigned to date or for fields of type combobox. It is ignored in all other cases.

When this setting is true, the Admin Type setting is ignored.

false (default)--Manual entry is not allowed.

true--Manual entry is allowed.

Alternate OID expression

By default, when a column's data is configured to show as a hyperlink using the href parameter, the system passes the ID of the object for that row in the objectId parameter. Using this setting, you can configure the hyperlink so a different objectId is passed. The system passes the ID for the object returned from the expression defined in this setting.



For more information on configuring a column using an alternate object ID's expression, see Column Values Using Alternate OID in href and Select Expression and Column Values Using Alternate OID and Type Icon in href with Select Expression.

Alternate Policy expression

This setting is required to display the state of any connected objects and show the translated value. This setting is applicable only when the Admin Type setting is set to State.

Any select expression that evaluates to a policy of a connected object.

Alternate Type expression

When the Show Alternate Icon setting is true, this expression obtains the object type. Based on the obtained type, the corresponding icon is displayed.

For more information on configuring a column using an alternate type expression, see Column Values Using Alternate OID and Type Icon in href with Select Expression.



Auto Filter

Determines whether users can filter the table rows based on data in the column. If at least one column in the table is capable of auto filtering, the Filter tool displays in the page toolbar.

You cannot apply this setting to any column that has multiple values for a single data column cell.

If the column contains an attribute configured with a dimension, the table is filtered based on the display value, not the normalized value.

For more information on table filtering, see Methods for Filtering a Table.

Configuring many columns for auto filtering or applying auto filter to inappropriate columns can adversely effect performance when viewing the filtered list. For optimum performance, define a limited number of columns with Auto Filter. Also choose columns that have a limited set of possible values on which the user may want to filter the table data. For example, state and owner columns are good candidates. Columns such as description and name are inappropriate because of the unlimited number of resulting values.

true--The Filter tool displays in the page toolbar. When clicked, the column is available on the Auto Filter Selection page.

false (default)--The column is not available in the Auto Filter Selection page.

Calendar Function

Use to specify the name of the method in the JPO specified in the Calendar Program setting that retrieves the non-working days based on the calendar defined for the location.

The name of a function in the Calendar Program JPO, such as:


Calendar Program

Use to specify the name of a JPO that contains a method to get the non-working days for a calendar.

The name of a JPO, such as:


Column Icon

Use to display an icon for the column's data instead of other data. Required when the setting "Column Type" is assigned to "icon".

Also see Column Values as Icons.

Name of an image file such as:



Column Style This setting is only valid for Edit mode; it does not work with View mode.

Defines styles from the CSS for the specific column.

To define alignment, use one of these values:

  • left-align
  • center-align
  • right-align

For numeric fields, the default is left-align.


Column Type

Use the setting "Column Type" when no expression is defined for the column data.

For recommendations on improving the performance of table columns whose data is generated with a JPO program (Column Type set to program or programHTMLOutput) and for a sample JPO program to get column data, see Improving Performance of Table Columns.

The column type can be one of the following:

program--The values for this column are obtained from a program (JPO). With this setting, the program and function name are required as settings. For more information on configuring a column using a program, see Column Values as Program Output.

programHTMLOutput--Same as the "program" setting above, except the column value output is in HTML format. Column values are placed in the table cell between <td> and </td> tags. This setting ignores other column settings such as Show Type Icon, href, format, and Alternate OID expression.

icon--Used when the column values are shown as an icon. The setting "Column Icon" must be defined with the icon to be displayed. For more information on configuring a column using a program, see Column Values as Icons.

image--Used when the column values are images. When used, the column shows the primary image associated with the business object (cannot be used with Structure Browser).

checkbox--Used when the column values are check boxes shown enabled or disabled based on the access to the object in that row. This access can be based on business logic and defined in a JPO or it can be role-based and defined by assigning roles to the column. If the check boxes have no access restrictions, this setting is not required and you can create check boxes by passing in the parameter selection=multiple to emxTable.jsp. Also see Column Values as Check Boxes.

separator--Used to define a column of white space between standard data columns. A separator is especially useful to separate two groups of columns.

file--Shows which hyperlinks to a Quick File Access page listing files checked into or connected to the object. The optional Relationship Filter setting defines how to locate related files.


Used only for a table showing a structure compare report. Defines whether the column can be used as a comparison criteria in a structure compare report. By default, all columns are comparable except for Column Types of:




true (default)


Compare Report

Used only for a table showing a structure compare report. Defines whether to show the column in the structure compare report. By default, all columns are shown except for Column Types of:

  • Image
  • Icon
  • Separator


show (default)

Currency Converter

Specifies that the currency shown in the column needs to be converted when the Currency Converter runs. When this setting is true for any column in a table, the table page automatically includes the Currency Converter tool.

If this setting is not included, the value is assumed to be false and the target page does not display the Currency Converter tool.


false (default)

Currency Expression

The name of the currency to convert from. Required for columns whose values are monetary and that can be converted from one currency to another using the Conversion tool and defined exchange rates.

The value should be a select clause that returns the value for the Currency attribute for a specific object or relationship, or the actual value. The currency to be converted from should be the currency in which the user entered the data in (the As Entered currency).

For example, to convert currency data for an RFQ Quotation, the following select clause returns the supplier's currency format.

to[Supplier Line Item].attribute[Currency]

Decimal Format Defines the decimal precision (number of digits after the decimal point) for displaying values in numeric columns. 5


Display Format

Specifies the number of the date format for any column where the value of the format setting is "date."

See Date/Time Fields in Forms and Tables.

These are Java standard values of Date Format to display a date in a specific format.

3 - SHORT (12/12/52)

2 - MEDIUM (Dec 12, 1952)

1 - LONG (December 12, 1952)

0 - FULL (Tuesday, December 12 1952 AD)

Default is set in emxFramework.DateTime.DisplayFormat=MEDIUM. uses words, but the Display Format setting uses numbers.

Display Time

Controls whether the time is displayed along with the date for columns whose format is set to date.

If no time zone preference is set, then the DateTime is shown in the browser's time zone. The time is shown in terms of GMT+/- hh:mm, (e.g., Saturday, August 21, 2004 12:45:00 PM GMT-04:00). To get the time in a format like EST or PDT, set the time zone preference to a specific zone. See Date/Time Fields in Forms and Tables.



Default is set in for the property emxFramework.DateTime.DisplayTime = false

Dynamic URL

When enabled, users can enter URLs or mxLink values and the values will display and function as hyperlinks.

enable (default)


Edit Access Mask

Use to control cell-level access in an editable table.

The system performs the access check on all objects in one database calsl while retrieving the column values. If any cell does not have the specified access, then the cell is shown as read only.

Any access mask, for example:

modify, connect


Use to indicate whether the column is displayed as editable or read only. Only applies for Edit mode. View mode ignores the setting.

true--Users can edit the column data when shown on the Edit mode.

false (default)--Users cannot edit the column data when shown in the Edit mode. The column looks like it does in View mode except it is never hyperlinked.

Effective Date Expression

Use for columns whose values are monetary and that can be converted from one currency to another using defined exchange rates.

Set the value to a select clause with a value for the Effectivity Date attribute on a specific object or relationship. The system uses this date to get the currency conversion whose rate period falls within this date. If this setting is not added, the current date is used.

For example, for currency data for an RFQ Quotation, the following select clause returns the effectivity date.

to[Supplier Line Item].attribute[Effectivity Date]


Specifies whether column data is exported or not. Use this to change the export value on a column-by-column basis.

If the column data is an attribute configured with a dimension, the exported data shows the value/units as displayed, not the normalized values.

By default, all column types except programHTMLOutput are exported. If you want to additionally include programHTMLOutput, or exclude other column types from the export, change this setting.

See Column Values as Program Output.



Field Type

Use only in edit mode while updating the table data.

basic--The column displays basic information for the business object including: name, type, originated, policy, etc. Specifying basic as the field type is only needed when the column is editable. The only editable basic information is: type, name, revision, current, policy, description, owner, vault.

attribute--The column displays values for an attribute on the business object, such as Originator or Weight.


Specifies the format to display the column data.

If at least one column has the format set to currency or UOM, the Conversion tool displays in the table page's page toolbar. When a user clicks the tool, the system opens a new window and displays all column data defined with format=currency and UOM to the currency and unit of measure selected in preferences. For information on the currency and unit of measure preferences, see About Currency Conversions and About Unit of Measure Conversions.

alphanumeric--Uses the value stored in the database as is without units (for attributes configured with a Dimension).

date--Displays the column values as a date. Uses the tag lib "emxUtil:lzDate" to format the display.

currency--Displays the column values as currency.

UOM--Displays the column values as Unit of Measure and enables the Unit of Measure conversion interface.

email--Displays the column values as an email address. When a user clicks the email address, the email editor configured in the client is presented.

numeric--Displays the column values as numbers. To perform calculations or graphically analyze the data on a column of string attributes that have numerical values, numeric must be the column type

user--Displays the user's name in the format "Lastname, Firstname".


The name of the method to call within the JPO program specified in the program setting. This method gets the column values if the setting "Column Type" is set to "program" or "programHTMLOutput" or "checkbox".

See Column Values as Program Output.





Group By

Groups rows in the table based on the value in this column. See Group By Column.


Group Header

Defines header text to display over several consecutive columns. For example, if you want a group header over three consecutive columns, add this setting to each column and assign the same value for each.

You may want to separate grouped columns using a separator column, which is just a column of white space. Add a separator using Column Type=Separator. To see an example, see Grouped Columns and Column Separator.

Static text or string resource id.

Help Marker

Specifies the name of the help marker to call for context-sensitive help.

In the href URL called when the column data is clicked, the system passes a parameter called HelpMarker and includes the marker text specified for this setting.

The naming convention for help markers "emxhelp" followed by the object or feature and then the action, for example, emxhelproutecreate and emxhelpprojectedit. The marker is all lowercase with no spaces.

Image Size

When the structure browser includes a Column Type of image, this setting defines which size of the primary image associated with the business object should display in the column and must use the symbolic name. The pixel dimensions for these sizes are defined using the emxComponents.Image.SizeImageSize property (see where Size is Small, Medium, Large, or Thumbnail.

format_mxSmallImage (default)




Input Type

Used only for tables in Edit mode. Specifies the type of HTML control to display for user input. You can also designate the size of the input boxes to allow for appropriate spacing. This is important for short numeric entry fields.

textbox--This is the default. The column has a single-line box for typing text.

textarea--The column has a multi-line box for typing text.

combobox--The column has a drop-down list of options and users can only select one value. Use combo boxes for attributes that have defined ranges and for attributes whose ranges are determined with a Range Helper URL. To see an example of a field with a combo box, see Column Values Editable from Combo Box, Values from JPO.

Mass Update

Used only for tables in Edit mode. If set to false for the column, the column is not available to the Mass Update feature, but can be edited using the inline editing (one table cell at a time). If set to true, the column is used by the Mass Update feature.




If the setting is true for any column, then the text in that column will never wrap. The default is false.



Popup Modal

If the setting Target Location is set to popup, you can configure the window as modal or non-modal.

true--the popup window is modal

false--the popup window is non-modal

If the setting is not specified, the window is non-modal.

Printer Friendly

Passes the PrinterFriendly parameter and the entered value to the JSP specified in the column's href URL. JSPs that use the PrinterFriendly parameter, such as emxTable.jsp and emxForm.jsp, show the Printer Friendly tool when the setting is True and hide it when False. If the setting is not included, emxTable.jsp and emxForm.jsp show the tool by default. Users can click the tool to get a version of the current page that can be printed with the browser's Print button.

Note that you can also specify the PrinterFriendly parameter in the href URL for JSPs that use it.

true (default)



The name of the JPO program to get the column's data. This program gets the column values when the setting "Column Type" is set to "program" or "programHTMLOutput" or "checkbox".

Using a JPO to populate column data is recommended only when you cannot use a select expression.

For more information on configuring a column using a program, see Column Values as Program Output.





Range Function

Use to specify the name of the method in the JPO specified in the Range Program setting. See the Range Program setting below for more information.

The name of a function in the Range Program JPO, such as:




Range Program

Use to specify the name of a JPO that contains a method to get the column value ranges (choices). A range program is used only when the Input Type setting is combobox or popup.

The corresponding method which runs to get the values of the column should not have any HTML code.

To see an example of a field configured with a range program, see Column Values Editable from Combo Box, Values from JPO.

The name of a JPO, such as:





*Registered Suite

The application the column belongs to. The system looks for files related to the column in the registered directory for that application, which is specified in

Based on the application name, the system passes the following parameters in the href URL:




The value cannot contain spaces, for example, EngineeringCentral or Framework. Set the value to the suite name as defined in the key eServiceSuites.DisplayedSuites in If the suite name starts with "eServiceSuite" you can skip this prefix and assign the remaining text to the setting. For example, if the suite name in is "eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral", you can assign the word "EngineeringCentral" as "Registered Suite".

The system passes the "suiteKey" parameter in the href URL that is called when the user clicks the column data. The value for the parameter is the property name from that maps to the setting's value.

If Column Type=file, this value must be Components.

Relationship Filter

Optional setting that defines a comma-separated list of relationship select expressions to get the file lists checked into or connected to the Type object.

from [<relationship_ReferenceDocument>],

to [<relationship_ReferenceDocument>],..,..


When creating or editing the value in the column, this setting defines if a value must be entered or is optional. If true, a value must be entered; if false, the value is optional.

Some ENOVIA products might include properties that define whether an attribute is required for an object. If so, the true/false value for the column for that attribute should match the true/false value for the property.



RMB Menu

Specifies the name of the right-click menu to associate with the component.

For a type-specific menu, such as type_Part, defines the type-specific right-click menu for that type.

For a table column, specifies the right-click menu for that specific column.

<admin menu name>

Show Alternate Icon

If the column value display with the icon is different from the current row's object icon, set this setting to true. To get the right alternate icon, set the Alternate Type expression setting with the expression to obtain the object type.

For more information, see Column Values Using Alternate OID and Type Icon in href with Select Expression.



Show Type Icon

If true, the column value displays along with the object type icon as defined by the emxFramework.smallIcon property in The icon displays to the left of the column data.

If no property is defined for the type's icon, the system looks for a property defined for the parent type, then grandparent type and so on. If no property is defined for any type in the hierarchy, the system uses the default icon specified in the emxFramework.smallIcon.defaultType property.


false (default)


Controls whether users can sort the table based on data in the table column. If a column is sortable, users can click the column heading to sort the table based on that column. If the column attribute is configured with a dimension, sorting is done based on the normalized value regardless of the displayed value.

true (default)


Sort Direction

Specifies the sort order for fields whose type is combobox or listbox.

ascending (default)--Sort a to z or 0 to n.

descending--Sort z to a or n to 0.

none--The option list is not sorted.

Sort Program

Specifies the JPO program name that contains a custom sorting algorithm. This setting is used only when the column parameter sorttype is assigned to "other".

For guidelines and parameters or the custom sorting program and sample programs, see Guidelines for Custom Sort JPO.

Name of a JPO added as a program in the database, such as:



Sort Range Values

Enables or disables the sorting of range values in combobox or listbox controls. When enabled, the list is sorted based on the datatype and using the direction defined by the Sort Direction setting. When disabled, no sorting is done on the list.

In a drop-down, range values populated based on an attribute expression will be sorted based on the attribute's datatype. Range values populated using the Range Program and Range Function settings will be sorted alphanumerically.

If the Range Program or Range Function returns numeric or date values, the alphanumeric sort will not be appropriate. The program or function should sort the values in the required order, and this setting should be disabled.

This setting does not apply to fields or columns configured for attributes associated with a dimension. Dimension ranges are always sorted as alphanumeric in ascending order.

This setting cannot be used in custom JSPs that use the editOptionList taglib. For this specific situation, you can use the sortType attribute for that tag.

enable (default


Sort Type

Determines how to sort the column. You must include the MQL sorttype subclause.

You can use Sorttype on its own to sort numeric columns (sorttype = numeric)


You can use sorttype in conjunction with the Sort Type setting. Two examples:

(sorttype = other AND Sort Type = integer)

(sorttype = other AND Sort Type = real)




Target Location

Controls where the page specified in the href parameter appears or is targeted.

When using slidein as the Target Location and the Popup Modal setting is true, then the content window and the global toolbar are grayed out and disabled until the slidein window is closed.

content--Page replaces the content frame.

popup--Page appears in new window. The window modality can be set with the Popup Modal setting.

_top--Page replaces the entire body of the browser window.

listHidden--A hidden frame within the table frameset. Use this frame for Target Location for any processing in the context of a table.

hiddenFrame--The frame called hiddenFrame is part of the top level Navigation window frameset and can be used to submit the Table frame and carry out background processing. This frame is not available for popup windows though so listHidden is a better frame to use.

slidein--Page appears in a slidein frame (slides in along the right side of the window).

You can set this value to any valid frame name available to the table body frame.

Tip Page

Specifies whether the target page should include the Tip Page tool. In the href URL called when the column data is clicked, the system passes a parameter called TipPage and includes the URL specified for this setting. If this setting is not included, the target page does not display the Tip Page tool.

Name of a custom html or JSP page, including any path. The starting point for the directory reference is the content directory. For example, if you want to call an html file in ematrix/doc/customcentral and the content directory is ematrix/customcentral, you would add this parameter to the table.jsp:


Type Ahead Mapping When Type Ahead is configured on the column (by setting the RangeHref to emxFullSearch.jsp or using a predefined Type Ahead Chooser), this setting maps that field to the corresponding indexed field in config.xml. See About Automatic Type Ahead. NAME


Type Ahead Validate When Type Ahead is configured on the column, this setting determines if the application should restrict the user to selecting one of the suggested values (if true), or if the user can enter any data in the field without ENOVIA Business Process Services validating that data (if false).


false (default)

Type Icon Function

Specifies the method in the JPO specified in the Type Icon Program setting that retrieves an icon to show in addition to the Alternate Icon or Type Icon (enabled by Show Alternate Icon or Show Type Icon settings).

If both the Show Alternate Icon and the Show Type Icon settings are set to false, any value for this setting is ignored.

Method Name

Type Icon Program

Defines the program that contains the function specified using the Type Icon Function setting.

JPO Name

UOM Expression

Specifies the name of the Unit of Measure to convert from. Required for columns whose values are measurements that can be converted from English units to Metric units or vice versa.

The value can be a select clause that returns the value for the Unit of Measure attribute for a specific object or relationship or the actual value. The unit of measure to convert from should be the unit of measure that user entered (the As Entered unit of measure).

For example, for measurement data for RFQ Quotations, the following select clause returns the supplier's unit of measure format.

to[Supplier Line Item].attribute[Unit of Measure]

Update Function

Specifies a method name in the JPO given in the Update Program setting.

The name of a function in the Update Program JPO, such as:


setPackage Access


Update Program

Specifies a JPO that contains a method to set the column value when the column is displayed on an Edit mode table and when the user clicks Done. Use only when the Field Type setting is program or programHTMLOutput.

Using an update program is recommended only when the Field Type is not attribute or basic.

See Editable Table Columns for more information.

The name of a JPO, such as:






Specifies the method to be invoked for validating any cell.

The name of a method, such as:


Validate Type

Validates any column value with any specific characters defined in

Basic or Restricted--The column values are validated against the value of emxFramework.Javascript.BadChars.

Name--The column values are validated against the value of emxFramework.Javascript.NameBadChars.

*Required Setting