Viewing Product Variants

This task shows you how to view all the product variants under a product. If a product is in the Release state, all associated product variants are in the Release state.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a product. For details, see the Product Line - User Guide.
Related Topics
Cloning a Product Variant
Renaming Product Variants
Editing Product Variant Properties
  1. From the Categories menu, click Variants.

    The Product Variants page opens.

    It contains the following columns:

    Name. Name of the product variant. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click in the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.

    Type. The type or subtype.

    Variant Name. Variant attribute name of the product variant.

    Marketing Name. Marketing name of the product.

    Description. Details about the product.

    Start Effectivity. The date when the product is available for configuration sessions.

    End Effectivity. The date when the product is no longer available for configuration sessions.

    State. The current state of the product in its lifecycle.

    Owner. The person responsible for the product.

  2. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with the product variant. All commands from the Actions menu are not available for product variants in the Release state.

    • Create. For details, see Creating a Product Variant.
    • Clone. Creates a new product variant from the selected product variant.
    • View Effectivity Matrix. Shows logical feature effectivity in the product variants under the product.
    • View Effectivity Matrix Report. Generates a view-only Effectivity Matrix Report that shows logical feature effectivity in the product variants under the product.
    • Edit Product Variant. Edits the selection of features for the product variant.
    • Mass Assign RDO. Assigns design responsibility to multiple product variants. Check the product variants to which you want to assign design responsibility. The Search page opens where you can select an organization or project as the design responsibility. See Assigning Design Responsibility
    • Rename. Renames the selected product variants.
    • View Product Variants. Shows related product variants for product revisions under the context product.
    • Delete. Removes all checked product variants from the list and deletes them from the database. You are prompted to verify the deletion. Click OK.

      Note: If you manually add a configuration feature to a product or product variant and then add it as a design variant to a logical feature, that configuration feature is retained in the product or product variant context even if the design variant is deleted.