Attachments Page for a Discussion

During the course of a discussion, a participant may need to attach a document to support the posted message. Participants can access documents on a discussion as well as messages within a discussion. A file can be uploaded externally or added from a folder, depending on the application in use. Attachments can be added to any discussion or reply.

To access this page:

  1. View the discussion thread, see Discussion Thread Page
  2. From the page toolbar for the discussion or from the link beneath the discussion message, click Categories > Attachments.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Documents and Content


The owner and all persons that have at least read access to the parent object of the discussion have access to this summary and will see all attachments to the original message as well as all replies. If a document is in an Engineering Central folder, anyone who has access to the folder also has access to the document. For uploaded external files, all discussion participants have download, checkout, and checkin access to the file.

Column Name Description
Locked status Shows the number of locked items out of the number of files checked in. For example, 1/2 means that 1 of the 2 documents that make up the attachment has been checked out and locked. To see who locked the file, click the numbers in this column and hold your cursor over the lock icon in the popup . When a file is locked for edit, no one else can lock the file for editing or check in a new version of the file until the person who is editing it unlocks the file manually or checks in a new version. Even if a file is locked, you can still view it and save it to your computer
The route icon shows if this attachment is part of a route.
Name The name of the item. See Document Properties and Files Page. The icon to the left of the name indicates the type of item:
  • for standard documents
  • for 3D JT files
Title The title entered for the attachment when it was created or uploaded.
Rev Revision level of the attachment. The revision series may be numbers or letters, or there may not be a revision. See Document Revisions Page.
Ver The version number for the attachment. SeeFile Versions Page. A version of 1 represents the first time the file was added. Version number 2 means a person checked out the original file for revising and then checked in a new version. Version number 3 means a person checked in a second version and so on.
Type The type of attachment, such as Document, and so on.
Workspace The name of the workspace that contains the discussion. You can click the workspace name to open a new window showing the workspace Properties.
Actions The actions you can perform on the listed content. If a particular icon is not displayed, then the item's status does not allow the action (for example, the Unlock icon is only available for locked files) or you do not have access to perform the action. See fileactions.
Description Details of what the attachment is or what the attached file contains.
State The state within the lifecycle for the document.

The attachments for each message and reply are independent. A document attached to a reply does not show up in the list for attachments to the original message.

File Actions

Icon Name Action


View and select subscriptions for a document. See Subscription Events for Documents and Document Sheets.


Download the file to your local machine without locking it on the server. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.


View the file in a registered viewer.

Check Out and Lock

Check out the file to your local machine and lock it from other users. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.

Update Files

Check in and unlock the file. See either Uploading Files with the Applet or Uploading Files without the Applet.

Check In

Check in and unlock the file. See either Uploading Files with the Applet or Uploading Files without the Applet.


Lock the file without checking it out.


Unlock the file without checking in a new version.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Create New > Document or Document Creates a new attachment. Creating a New Document
Upload External File Copies a new file from your local machine and check it into this Document object. Uploading Files with the Applet or Uploading Files without the Applet
Remove Removes checked attachments, click OK to confirm. --