File Properties Page

The File page lists the files that have been checked into a Document.

To access this page, locate the list that contains the needed file and click the file name. See Document Properties and Files Page, File List for a Versioning Document or File List for a Non-versioning Document.

This topic defines these items:


The fields that show in the Properties page vary depending on whether the document the file is checked into is versioning or non-versioning. For details on specific fields, see File List for a Versioning Document or File List for a Non-versioning Document.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties. Editing Details About a Document or File
Download Copies the file to your local machine without locking it on the server. --
Checkout Copies the file to your local machine and locks it on the server. --
Subscribe Subscribes to the file. Subscription Events for Documents and Document Sheets

Categories Menu

Category Description For details, see:


Lists the states and approvals for a document.

"Viewing Approvals" in the Engineering Central User's Guide


Shows the properties for the file.

Document Properties and Files Page

Document Sheets

Lists the document sheets for the document.

Documents and Content


Shows history information about the document.

History Category


Shows the states for the document, including its current state.

Viewing an Object's Lifecycle

Where Used

Shows the objects that contain the document.

Library Central User's Guide

File Versions

Shows version information for the document. Not in the category list if versioning is not used.

File Versions Page


Shows revision information.

Document Revisions Page