Properties for Documents or Folders Associated with DesignSync Objects

The Properties page for a document or folder that is associated with DesignSync objects lists information about a document's attributes, including the DesignSync server details.

To access this page:

  1. Navigate to the page listing documents for an object, such as a Workspace Folders list, or the Reference Documents list for an Issue, or navigate to the content page containing the DesignSync folder.
  2. Click the Document or Folder or Module name.

This topic defines these items:


In addition to the property attributes described in Document Properties and Files Page, the Document object connected to a DesignSync file includes additional fields.

Field Name Description
Completion State The lifecycle state defined as the completion state for this object.
Access Type Inherited or Specific.
Selector The name of the branch where the file is stored.
Store The DesignSync server (for example, rootOf2647) where the file is stored.
Path The path (for example, /Projects/Documents) is the location where the file is stored.
File Name The name of the DesignSync file the object is connected to. Shows for documents only.
Version ID The version of the DesignSync file. Shows for documents only.
Locked The value of the locked status of the DesignSync file in the DesignSync server. Can be TRUE/FALSE. Shows for documents only.
Author The user ID of the person in the application who had checked in the file. Shows for documents only.
Comments The comments entered by the user when checking in.
Check In Status The status of your last checkin. Shows for folders only.
  • IN_PROGRESS. Check in has begun
  • AVAILABLE. Check in succeeded
  • FAILED. Check in failed
  • NO_CHECKIN. If a folder is being checked in using a Connect to DesignSync Folder operation, you see this status because the folder already exists in the vault.

You also see the NO_CHECKIN status if copying a file from one DesignSync server to another fails.

Release The release status for the file or folder. If none has been entered, shows as Unknown.
Classification Path(s) Shows if the with Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management is installed: the library hierarchy for the document or folder.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties. You can edit any of these fields:
  • Name
  • Title
  • Type
  • Description
  • Owner
  • Policy
  • Access Type
  • Release
  • Selector
Editing Details About a Document or File
Download Copies the latest version of the file or contents of the folder to your local workstation without locking the file or folder. --
Check Out Checks out the file (includes locking it). Shows for documents only. --
Check In Uploads a new version of the file or folder. --
Lock or Unlock Locks or unlocks the file. Shows for documents only. --
Subscribe Subscribes to the document or folder. Subscription Events for Documents and Document Sheets


Category Description For details, see:


Lists people who can access the folder.

Access Page


Lists the approvals for the folder. Only shows if Program Central is installed.

Program Central User's Guide

File Versions

Lists the versions of the file. Shows only for files.

DesignSync File Versions Page

Folder Contents

Lists the document objects within a folder. Shows only for folders.

DesignSync Folder Content Page


Lists the contents of a module. Shows only for modules.

DesignSync Module Contents Page

Folder Configuration

Lists the items in a folder that are tagged with the specified configuration. Shows only for folders.

DesignSync Folder Configuration Page


Lists a log of actions that have taken place for the DesignSync Folder.

Application Exchange Framework User's Guide


Shows routes involving the folder and provides access to create a new route.

Routes Page


Shows revision information.

Document Revisions Page

Retention Schedules

Shows the retention schedules for this folder. Only shows if the Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management is installed.

Library Central User's Guide


Shows the states for the document, including its current state.

Application Exchange Framework User's Guide


Shows the discussions related to the Folder.

Discussions Page for an Object


Shows the issues defined for the folder.

Issues Page

Where Used

Lists the products that used this folder. Shows only if ENOVIA Product Line is installed.

Product Line Management User's Guide


Shows the solutions for this folder. Only shows if the Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management is installed.

Library Central User's Guide

News Bulletins

Shows the news bulletins for this folder. Only shows if the Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management is installed.

Library Central User's Guide