Issue Properties Page

The properties for an issue show basic details about the issue.

To access this page:

  1. View the PowerView page for an issue. See Viewing an Issue in PowerView.
  2. Scroll down the Properties channel in PowerView. To view more information, click to open the Properties page in a new window.

This topic defines these items:


This screen shows the Properties page for an Issue raised against a DesignSync file/folder:

Field Name Description
Name The auto-generated name.
Type The issue type, used for classification.
Problem Category Only shows for Issues against DesignSync files/folders. Why the issue was submitted. Can be any of these:
  • How Do I?
  • Enhancement Request
  • Other
  • Problem Report
Description Details about the issue.
State Does not show for Issues against DesignSync files/folders. The current state of the issue in its lifecycle.
Lifecycle Only shows for Issues against DesignSync files/folders. The states the issue must pass through to be resolved. The current state shows in a darker color.
Last State Change Date when the issue was last promoted or demoted.
Owner The owner of the issue.
Originator The person who created the issue.
Originated Date The date on which the issue was created.
Subscribers Only shows for Issues against DesignSync files/folders. List of users who have subscribed to be notified when the issue is modified, promoted or demoted, or the discussion is appended. An asterisk (*) indicates the user is subscribed to some, but not all, events for the issue.
Modified Date The date on which the issue was last modified. If not modified, this date is the same as the Originated Date.
Waiting On The person or department who must next respond to the issue. Default values are Unassigned, Analyst, Customer, or Engineering.
Escalation Required Indicates whether the issue requires upper management support for resolution.
Wait On Date The date that the person listed in the Waiting On field should have responded by. (That is, by not responsding, the person has held up the Issue since the date specified in this field.) The date can be set to any prior date, but not earlier than the Issue's originated date.
Estimated Start The estimated date on which the issue resolution will begin.
Estimated Finish The estimated date on which issue resolution will end.
Internal Priority The relative importance of the issue within the host company. Possible default values are Unassigned, P0, P1, P2, P3.
Actual Start The actual start date.
Actual Finish The actual finish date when the issue closed.
Priority The relative importance of the issue, set when the issue was created or modified. Possible default values are Low, Medium, High, Pre-assigned.
Resolution Date Date when the issue is expected to be resolved.
Resolution Recommendation A recommendation for how to resolve the issue.
Action Taken A description of any action taken to resolve the issue.
Resolution Statement A description of the actual resolution.
Steps to Reproduce The procedure for reproducing the problem causing the issue.
Category Determines the issue classifications for this issue.
Classification Determines the Issue Manager responsible. Based on Category and Classification, issue managers can be assigned and notified automatically.
Reporting Organization The company associated with the issue.
Policy The policy that governs the issue's lifecycle.
Vault The vault containing the issue.
Co-owners People who are responsible for the issue.
Problem Type Possible default values are 3rd party, Defect, Not Determined, Ease of Use, Functionality, Licensing, Installation, Mistake, Performance, Platform, Training.
Responsible Organization The organization responsible for resolving the issue. Editable only by Analyst or Issue Manager.
Discussions Only shows for Issues against DesignSync files/folders. Any discussion threads created regarding this issue. Click Attachments to view any files attached to the discussion.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions:

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties, including changing the owner, priority, and start and finish times. Editing Details About an Issue
Change Type Changes the type for the issue. Changing an Issue's Type
Close Closes the issue and identifies the action taken and the resolution. Closing an Issue
Subscribe Subscribes to be notified when the issue is modified. Subscription Events for Issues

Categories Menu

Category Description For details, see:


Shows details about the issue and provides links to edit the properties or change the type of the issue.

Issue Properties Page


Shows persons assigned to the issue.

Assignees Page for an Issue


Shows a log of all the actions that have occurred for the issue.

History Category


Lets people with the appropriate access change the state for the issue.

Viewing an Object's Lifecycle

Reference Documents

Shows any documents associated with the issue.

Documents and Content

Reported Against

Shows the objects the issue is reported against.

Reported Against Page for an Issue

Resolved By

Shows the objects used to solve the issue.

Resolved By Page for an Issue


Shows routes involving the issue and provides access to create a new route.

Routes Page.


Shows the discussions related to the issue.

Discussions Page for an Object