Route Properties Page

This page lists information about any route that you created or that you are included in. Workspace Leads can view information for a route for the workspace, if they are a member of the route.

To access this page:

  1. List all routes or the routes for a specific object. SeeRoutes Page.
  2. From the Routes page, click the Name of the route.

This topic defines these items:


Field Name Description
Name The name assigned by the route creator.
Scope Determines the members that can be assigned tasks for the route. See The Scope of a Route for details.
Template The name of the template used to create the route, if any. To see information about the template, click its name. See Route Template Properties.
State Not Started, Started, Stopped, or Finished. Not Started means you began creating the route but didn't start it yet, so no tasks have been created yet. Only the route creator can access Not Started routes. Started means the route has been started but not all members have completed their tasks. Stopped means a route member has rejected the route (chosen Reject for the task approval status) or the route owner manually stopped it. Finished means all members have completed their tasks for the route.
Description The purpose or intent of the route.
Owner The person who created the route.
Originated The date the route was created. If the route was not started immediately, this could be different from the date and time the route was started.
Route Base Purpose Determines the kind of tasks included in the route.
  • Standard. The route can include tasks that require the assignee's approval or comment, or tasks intended only for notification or information.
  • Approval. The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's approval.
  • Review. The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's comment.
Route Completion Action Determines the events that will occur when the route is complete.
  • Notify Route Owner. When the route is complete (all tasks are completed), the system sends a notification to the route owner.
  • Promote Connected Object. This option is for routes with content for which the route owner has defined lifecycle block states. If this option is selected, the system automatically promotes the object when the route is completed, assuming no other routes or requirements are blocking promotion. The route owner is also notified of the route completion.
Auto Stop on Rejection Determines what happens when a task in the route is rejected:
  • Immediate. The route stops immediately.
  • Deferred. The route stops after other tasks at the current level are completed or rejected.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the route's name or description. Editing a Route's Details
Set Task Escalation Sets up notifications about potentially late tasks. Setting Up Task Due Date Notifications
Save As Template Saves the route as a template. Saving a Route as a Template
Start Route Starts the route. This is only available for the route owner and when the route has not yet been started. Starting or Resuming a Route
Stop Route Stops the route. For a state-based route, you can choose whether or not to demote the connected object. Stopping a Route
Subscribe Requests to be notified when a task is completed or content is added to the route. If the route is Finished, this option is not available. Subscription Events for Routes
Push Subscriptions Requests that other people be notified when a task is completed or content is added for the route. This is only available for the route owner. Pushing Subscriptions
Restart Route Restarts a route from the first task if a route task was rejected or the route was stopped. This button is available only for routes that have a status of Stopped. Processing Rejected or Stopped Routes
Resume Route Resumes a route that had been stopped by the route owner, or because the object was demoted (for state-based routes). The route resumes from the task where it was stopped. This button is available only for routes that have a status of Stopped. Processing Rejected or Stopped Routes


Category Description For details, see:


Lists the route members. Also lets the route owner set accesses to the route.

Access Page for a Route


Shows the content that has been added to the route and lets people with the appropriate access add and remove content.

Documents and Content


Lists the discussion threads that are associated with this route.

Discussions Page for an Object


Shows a log of events that have occurred for the route.

History Category


Lists the tasks in the route.

Tasks Page (Inbox, WBS, and Workflow)

Tasks (Graphical)

Shows a graphical display of the tasks in the route and their status.

Tasks (Graphical) Page for a Route